Today, Monday, the 13th of January 2025, is the 6th day of our 2025 Twelve Days Annual Covenant Fasting & Prayers (A day for a month) with the general theme:
Breaking Forth to All Good Things
Genesis 28:28-29 & Isaiah 58:8-9
Silent destinies and situations must speak forth this year in Jesus’ name.
Today’s Topic:
Abundance of Rain, Part 2
Scripture References
1 Kings 18:41, 45
📖 “And Elijah said unto Ahab, Get thee up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain.”
📖 “And it came to pass in the meanwhile, that the heaven was black with clouds and wind, and there was a great rain. And Ahab rode, and went to Jezreel.”
This is a very popular Bible passage; however, the Word of God is new every day. Being a word of the Spirit, it is dynamic and ever-relevant.
Today, we shall compare our lives to what happened between Elijah, God, the kingdom of Samaria, and Ahab.
1 Kings 17:1
📖 “And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.”
Why? Because of the terrible sins of this northern kingdom of Israel! The royal family, led by Ahab and his queen Jezebel, had turned their backs on God, causing the nation to serve idols—especially the idol called Baal.
This idolatry was grievous to God, who describes Himself as a jealous God.
The Commandments Against Idolatry
Exodus 20:3-6:
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.”
Exodus 34:14:
“For thou shalt worship no other god: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.”
The sins of Ahab and Jezebel ranged from killing prophets and innocent people to ruling without the fear of God. Their worst offense, however, was idolatry. For this reason, God shut the heavens, and no rain fell for three years.
Imagine the devastation this caused—individuals, families, and the entire nation suffered greatly.
1 Kings 18:2-6
The famine was so severe that even the king had to leave the palace in search of grass for his animals. This famine caused untold hardship, death, and suffering across the land.
Relevance to Our Lives
Sometimes, we find ourselves in situations or corners we know we shouldn’t be in. The reasons could vary—sins, attacks from enemies, trials, or temptations.
In the case of Elijah and Israel, their sins caused the rain to cease.
But here is the good news:
By the mercy of God, you are breaking forth today in Jesus’ name!
There shall be an abundance of rain upon your dry and dusty land today. It will rain upon your womb, and the child within shall grow in Jesus’ name. Your company will rise again through this rain, and silent destinies will speak because of this rain in Jesus’ name.
Prophetically, I declare that this rain will open many doors and end long-standing droughts in your life, family, and ministry in Jesus’ name.
Prophetic Assurance
After three years without rain, the people of Israel experienced untold hardship, sorrow, and disgrace.
But today, I assure you prophetically: another Elijah-like message is here! There shall be an abundance of rain in Jesus’ name.
A Call to Repentance
Repent from anything that may have caused the cessation of rain in your life. For some, it may be sins, neglect of responsibilities in God’s house, laziness, or disobedience to divine instructions.
If it is not sin, rejoice, for your rain is already pouring in Jesus’ name.
Let Us Pray
This is Operation Do It Yourself—the message has been well-explained, so you can now pray effectively.
- Give thanks to God. Ask for forgiveness and mercy so your prayers will not be hindered.
- Father, let it rain now upon my dry, dusty, and infertile land in Jesus’ name.
- Lord, let the drought in my marriage and life end. Let the barrenness in my life cease in Jesus’ name.
- Father, through this abundance of rain, bring all-round new dawns of joy, peace, and comfort to my life, family, and church in Jesus’ name.
- Shout the name of Jesus three times and decree: “End every form of drought in my life and family in Jesus’ name.”
- Declare by faith: “I hear the sound of the abundance of rain. Lord, let it rain upon my profession, job, ministry, marriage, health, and other areas in Jesus’ name.”
- Sing songs of praise and thanksgiving to God for allowing the rain to fall again on your situation.
- Pray for abundant rain upon Nigeria, France, and other nations of the world to end famine, sickness, war, and suffering.
- Pray for abundant rain on our church (GLORM) and other churches, that they may fulfill their divine mandate in Jesus’ name.
- Pray fervently: “Father, let it rain now—the abundance of rain!”
- Praise God rigorously, for the rain will cause all things to break forth in Jesus’ name.
Prophetic Declarations for June
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit:
- I prophesy to the month of June that all shall be well with me and my family.
- I decree that all good things in June shall be our portion in Jesus’ name.
- I reject all forms of evil, including shame, sickness, death, and failure, over me, my family, and the church in Jesus’ name.
Point of Emphasis
I break forth into receiving all the good things I desire in Jesus’ name.
(Mention them.)