Today, Thursday, 16th of January 2025, is the 9th day of our 2025 Twelve Days Annual Covenant Fasting & Prayers (A day for a month) with the general theme:
Breaking Forth to All Good Things
Genesis 28:28-29 & Isaiah 58:8-9
Silent destinies and situations must speak forth this year in Jesus' name.
Today's Topic: Glory & Destiny Awakening
Scripture Reference: Isaiah 60:1-3
- Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.
- For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee.
- And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.
Every man has glory and destiny. There is no one created without glory or destiny.
The problem arises when, as the Bible says, "While men slept, the enemy came to sow evil seeds such as perpetual failure, stagnation, hatred, lack of helpers, retrogression, and backwardness into man’s life" (Matthew 13:25).
This means when man is careless, leaves the camp of God, or neglects spiritual matters, they become vulnerable.
The Bible also tells us that punishment only follows sin, unless God decides to test someone for their growth and elevation.
Often, spiritual sleep happens when we think we have attained all we need from God, becoming spiritually careless by neglecting prayer, abandoning church attendance, and withholding commitments in God's house. This is when the devil sees an opportunity to strike, sowing seeds of destruction. Without divine intervention, these seeds can destroy existing miracles and block future blessings.
For example, 1 Kings 11:6-14 reveals how King Solomon, despite his early devotion, sinned against God by serving idols and marrying foreign women who turned his heart away from God. His spiritual carelessness caused God to become angry, ultimately leading to the division of his kingdom.
Another common way glory and destiny are tampered with, caged, or rendered useless is through the activities of evil forces. The Bible sheds light on this in Ephesians 6:11-18:
- Put on the whole armor of God to stand against the wiles of the devil.
- We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places.
- To withstand these, we must wear the breastplate of righteousness, take the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and wield the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.
Sometimes, even those close to us—parents, siblings, spouses—can ignorantly or intentionally act as enemies of our glory and destiny.
Solution: Be spiritually sensitive, holy, and prayerful!
Today’s challenges in many homes—including cases where parents harm children or vice versa, physically or spiritually—are results of spiritual carelessness.
Prayer Points
- Cry to Jesus: "Oh, my glory and destiny, where have you been all these years? Today, in Jesus' name, come forth and begin to function!"
- Declare: "Arise and shine, for my light has come, and the glory of God is risen upon me. Lord, I take back my better glory and destiny from today in Jesus' name."
- Pray: "Father, in Jesus' name, anyone fighting my glory and destiny from my family, in-laws, or elsewhere—if they will not repent, let them be destroyed by fire!"
- Command: "Any tree holding my glory and destiny, catch fire and release them in Jesus' name. Any water holding my blessings, I retrieve them now as Elisha took the axe head from the water!"
- Decree: "Every evil name attached to me from satanic covens, catch fire in Jesus' name. All monitoring instruments being used against me, be destroyed by fire!"
- Say: "God, every item belonging to me in the hands of my enemies becomes dead in their possession today in Jesus' name."
- Call on God of Mordecai: "Let my enemies fall into the pit they dug for me because of my glory and destiny in Jesus' name."
- Declare: "Lord, from today, raise Your arm against anyone toying with my glory and destiny in Jesus' name."
- Cry aloud: "Spirit of God, lead me now to where my glory will manifest to the world in Jesus' name."
- Pray for GLORM: "By fire and by force, manifest the glory of God to the world in every area of life in Jesus' name."
- Say: "Lord of Joseph, let me reign wherever I find myself in Jesus' name."
- Speak personally to your destiny and glory. Command them to align with God's purpose for your life.
- Declare: "Just as Lazarus came back to life, I call back my glory and destiny to shine henceforth in Jesus' name."
- Say: "Father, whoever exchanged my glory and destiny, by the power of Jesus’ resurrection, I take them back in Jesus' name."
Prophetic Declaration for September
I declare success, joy, and breakthrough for me and my family in Jesus' name.
I refuse sickness, death, and pain. All good things shall come to me and my family throughout the month in Jesus' name.
Prayer Emphasis
I am breaking forth to all good and wonderful things this year. My glory and destiny shall shine henceforth in Jesus' mighty name.
Happy fasting to all. We shall have testimonies in Jesus' name!